Kyle Eaton
Max stars for Clancy Brown amazing as always, but only 4 stars total for lackluster final villain and lame twist, could see it coming a mile away especially since every single movie and TV show have that same stupid twist now. Summary more Clancy Brown, less trash twists and final villains.
Staci Marie
Horror Buff here.....let me say....KILLER MOVIE FOR ALL U HORROR FANS!!!! Born in the 80s....we have a lot of masterpieces to look back on, which sets a lot of these new horror films up today, for failure. (Very few, new horror movies that I'll be watching 20 years from now) This movie is awesome. Great stories. Great plot twist. If ur a fan of Tales From The Darkside, Tales From The Crypt, Masters Of Horror, Tales from The Hood......You will LOVE this movie. Glad I bought it.
Brandon Medina
I'm super super picky on horror movies I took the chance on renting this movie and was not disappointed. Probably be the last good horror movie I see in a long while once again... :/
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