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Bought them earlier this month but had to return them cause my mom said I can only have one movie this month. I chose to keep Rock Dog. I'll buy these again next month. As for the movie themselves I love the first two but you can tell that Frasier wasn't even trying to act decently in the third one. He pretty much said f&$k it and half arsed it.
Boo Raddley
They are a fun set of films. Bargain bin prices would be better though. $10 for the HD set seems more fair. Really the third film could have gone straight to video, so that should be free. I do like the first two, even though the CGI at the end of the second one is crap.
43 ຄົນພົບວ່າຄຳຕິຊົມນີ້ເປັນປະໂຫຍດ
Charles Johns
¡Grandes películas! ¡Los he visto muchas veces y continuaré viéndolos en cada oportunidad! Y, por supuesto, voy a comprarlos a este precio.