The Nanny

2018 • 81 minút
45 recenzií
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Tento film

A dark fantasy tale that follows a mysterious nanny put in charge of an inquisitive young girl, Noa, and her little brother, Michael. When Noa becomes suspicious that her new nanny, played by Jaime Murray, could very well be an evil faerie from a dark underworld she pleads her case to anyone that will listen. As Noa seeks answers in hopes to reveal the true identity of her eerie caretaker she finds the truth is much more twisted than she could have ever imagined. - ( Original Title - The Nanny )

Hodnotenia a recenzie

45 recenzií
Rosmary Rivera Severino
25. novembra 2019
Es una porquería. Nada tiene sentido y los efectos especiales son un asco. Una hora y veinte minutos de mi vida desperdiciado 😒
Revelino Haseb
25. júla 2019
I love this movie but it's so sad 😭😭 to know what happened yo the girl in the bi beginning
miona Jackson
3. decembra 2018
It's not as good as it is advertised
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