The Nativity Story

2006 • 100 dəqiqə
382 rəy
Veb brauzerdə və ya dəstəklənən cihazlarda izləyin Ətraflı Məlumat
Dilinizdə nə audio, nə də subtitr əlçatandır. Audio bu dildə əlçatandır: ingilis.

Bu film haqqında

It was the cruelest of times. Under Herod's torturous reign, families struggled to survive and yet, in the midst of utter turmoil, a young woman's faith is put to the test. Join Mary (Keisha Castle-Hughes) and Joseph (Oscar Isaac) on an incredible journey of hope and discovery. Epic in its scope, yet intimate in it's portrayal of this historical family, this "wonderful film" (Bill Zwecker, Chicago Sun Times) is "a family feature that will be cherished for years to come!" (Greg Russell, WMYD-TV, Detroit).

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382 rəy
Google İstifadəçisi
27 noyabr 2018
I have watched this movie since it came out it's the closest to the real thing that actually happened in that time and what the bible says (kjv).I watch it all yr not just Christmas ❤💟📖
32 nəfər bu rəyi faydalı hesab edir
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Grj Dunc
30 mart 2017
I have watched this movie every Christmas since it first came out. It is not perfectly accurate I am sure; but it is a wonderful depiction of why we need a Savior and of how blessed we are that Jesus was sent to us.
Bu, faydalı oldu?
Louis Cruz
17 fevral 2020
It is very well acted and is very moving. I really enjoyed the movie and I watch it even when is not Christmas. Mary of course would not have acted like a brat when she was betrothed to Joseph.
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