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The Negotiation

2018 • 112 daqiqa
230 ta sharh
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha va tay.

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An ace police crisis negotiator, Chae-yoon, is called to the scene where her supervisor is taken hostage. Through the control room monitor, she is faced with the unusually calm, cold-blooded hostage taker, Tae-gu, whose reactions she is unable to interpret. As Chae-yoon’s endeavor to crack the mysterious hostage taker begins against the 21-hour deadline the perpetrator has set, the hidden truth between Chae-yoon and the perpetrator who specifically requested her as the negotiator unveils.
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230 ta sharh
Kristine Cases
8-mart, 2020
One of the best tandems Hyun Bin and Son Ye Jin are great partners and have a 200% amazing chemistry. The negotiation is one of Korea's action movie that is great.
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WonderLynn Torreon
21-mart, 2020
I really ship these two. Great chemistry indeed.
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Peachy Rallonza-Bretaña
23-aprel, 2020
Thoroughly enjoyed the movie. It was refreshing to see Hyun Bin in an unconventional role.
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