The Old Man & the Gun

2018 • 93 minút
86 recenzií
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Tento film

The Old Man & the Gun is based on the mostly true story of Forrest Tucker (Robert Redford), from his daring prison escape at age 70 to a string of heists that confounded authorities and enchanted the public. Wrapped up in the pursuit are detective John Hunt (Casey Affleck), who is captivated by Forrest’s commitment to his craft, and the woman (Sissy Spacek) who loves him despite his criminal ways.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

86 recenzií
Rick Kilpatrick
25. januára 2019
Are you simpletons—those giving the film 1 star but brag you never watched it because it's 4K—all just daft? If you lazy-assed numbnuts knew how to read you'd know that it will automatically play at the highest quality your device is capable of playing: 4K, HD, SD & 4K on Chromecast Ultra, etc. Click the "Buy 4K" button & you can read exactly this & more. Where are the damn adults in this building. Just go away. I'm assuming you all voted for idiot agent orange. You're that friggin dumb.
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Edwin Johnson
23. januára 2019 I give it a onezee.. I didnt watch it because like others who also commented, 4K.... Exactly what in the movie is 4K going to properly serve?..Looks like a Great story, great movie which I will rent somewhere else... 4K is great for Jurrassic Park, Avengers, anything that has huge effects less dialoge...Your potientally gonna kill your market for digital movie rentals by trying to finds new ways to screw your customers for and extra few bucks
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Debby M
7. júna 2020
I'm waiting for it to go down on price as a rental. I'm sure it will be great because of Redford and Sissy. 4 ⭐ without even seeing it!
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