The Paperboy

2012. • 106 minuta
335 recenzija
R (ograničeno; mlađi od 18 godina moraju biti pod nadzorom roditelja ili staratelja)
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Za vaš jezik nije dostupan audiozapis ni titlovi. Titlovi su dostupni za Engleski.

O ovom filmu

A reporter returns to his Florida hometown to investigate a case involving a death row inmate.
R (ograničeno; mlađi od 18 godina moraju biti pod nadzorom roditelja ili staratelja)

Ocjene i recenzije

335 recenzija
Kristina Jewel
28. prosinca 2013.
I watched this with no idea about a description of the movie, and was surprised by some of the storyline and twists & turns the movie took. {This isn't a movie I'd watch with/or around my kids (the occasional content could be considered "deep", by some), caution should be considered.} For the events & time era in which the storyline was written for, I believe this movie was a success. Each actor/actress developed their characters to exactly fit the persons you come to love & hate in this movie...check it out, you just may be surprised!
2 osobe smatraju ovu recenziju korisnom
C.M. Huante
26. siječnja 2013.
Just watched this film and although I have to admit I'm not sure I understood the entire story line, I thought the dialogue, soundtrack and the raw film style were pretty fantastic. I also absolutely loved the acting -- on all counts. Nicole Kidman was superb, John Cusack was outright creepy, Matthew McConaughey was brilliant as usual, and the supporting cast were phenomenal. But the two I was REALLY impressed with were Macy Gray and Zack Efron -- wow, I had no idea either one was so talented in this area. Truly two up-and-coming actors that I hope to see more of in the near future!
7 osoba smatra ovu recenziju korisnom
Allison Marteney
18. ožujka 2014.
This is without a doubt the worst movie I have ever seen in my entire life, and that's saying something. Don't get sucked in by the all-star cast. They did the best that they could, but there's not a lot you can do with a pile of crap!
6 osoba smatra ovu recenziju korisnom