The Persian Version

2023 • 107 минути
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Нема ниту аудио, ниту титлови на вашиот јазик. Титлови има на англиски, арапски, виетнамски, грчки, дански, исландски, италијански, кинески (поедноставено), кинески (традиционално), норвешки, полски, португалски (Бразил), португалски (Португалија), руски, словачки, словенечки, тајландски, турски, украински, унгарски, фински, француски (Франција), холандски, хрватски, чешки, шведски, шпански, шпански (Латинска Америка) и јапонски.

За филмов

In this celebratory story of a young woman in Brooklyn, Leila (Layla Mohammadi), strives to find balance and embrace her opposing cultures, while challenging the labels society projects upon her. When her boisterous family reunites in New York City for her father's heart transplant, Leila keeps her “real” life separate from her family life. But when her secret is revealed, so are the distinct parallels between her life and that of her mother Shireen. Punctuated by a bright color palette, snappy comedic relief, and vibrant dance numbers, “The Persian Version” delivers an honest portrayal of a woman who remains unapologetically herself, blended seamlessly into a heartfelt story about family, belonging, and the undeniable influence of pop music. Winning the Audience Award at this year's Sundance Film Festival, writer-director-producer Maryam Keshavarz delivers a universal and timely story of the Iranian-American experience.