La panthère rose 2

2009 • 92 minutes
3 avis
Accord parental recommandé
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À propos de ce film

C'est la panique : plusieurs trésors légendaires ont été dérobés à travers le monde. Afin de découvrir l'identité du voleur, l'inspecteur Clouseau, aussi intrépide que maladroit et gaffeur, est placé à la tête d'une équipe d'experts internationaux. C'est alors que la Panthère Rose, fameux diamant d'une valeur inestimable, disparait à nouveau. L'enquête peut commencer. Et les catastrophes aussi !
Accord parental recommandé

Notes et avis

3 avis
Dan D
30 mai 2023
Glad to see a sequel to the First Pink Panther remake with Steve Martin which was hilarious. Great storyline, cast, characters, soundtrack, action, intensity, comedic & hype. With the legend himself Jean Reno once again as Ponton, Nicole (Mortimer) with more screen-play this time, action, and more into the life of Steve Martin's Inspector Clouseau along with the many features. Not as great as the first but still great. Truly heartfelt as well. Honestly wish there was a third film to complete it.
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ᴇ. ᴅ.
30 mai 2023
A hilarious sequel of The First Pink Panther with Steve Martin, his Pink Panther, is always filled with a great storyline, cast, new characters, action and comedy. Happy to see this one featured more of the legendary Jean Reno as Ponton, Nicole with more screen-time, and action with Mortimer and more of the life of Steve Martin's Inspector Clouseau. Almost as great as the first, but as always hits it mark. Amazing how many features it had and honestly wish there was a third, to make it complete!
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