Charles Johns
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Odiadme por decir esto, pero es la mejor película de su tipo, superando a Wallace and Gromit y Chicken Run, que también son fantásticas. El humor en esto es mucho más sutil y matizado y te perderás la mayor parte si no estás prestando mucha atención. Película inteligente de piratas no tan inteligentes.
Pat Bo
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She animation is good it's kind of quirky story line and character development . I'm sure children would enjoy it but I have owned it since it came out and haven't watched it more than twice. Its a good movie just not a great movie. I'd suggest renting it rather than buying it.
27 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна
Mariah Gribble
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It wasn't exactly what I was expecting when I first saw it. It was pretty much the storyline that made the movie not enjoyable, at least in my opinion. Nice animation and character design, though.
3 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна