The Protégé

2021 • 108 minút
81 recenzií
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Tento film

Rescued as a child and raised by legendary assassin Moody (Samuel L. Jackson), Anna (Maggie Q) was trained to become the world's most skilled contract killer. When Anna learns that Moody has been brutally killed, she vows revenge. On the murderer's trail, Anna is entangled with an enigmatic hit man (Michael Keaton) and, as their confrontation turns deadly, the loose ends of a life spent killing weave themselves ever tighter in this adrenaline-fueled action-thriller from the director of Casino Royale.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

81 recenzií
O Pont
23. septembra 2021
7/10. Dang. Don't get me wrong, it's a good film. It had great great action, the actors were great as well. But dang I feel a sense of disappointment for this film. Because its directed by the guy who made Casino Royale which is my favorite bond film and I thought it was going to be the girl version of James bond which would be so cool. Overall it was a good film but could have been so so so much better.
115 osôb považuje túto recenziu za užitočnú
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Shayna Miklas
29. októbra 2021
Amazing movie. As per other reviewers, rhetorical questions, lol. Yes, Maggie Q was the star of the uber hot, TV show, called "Nikita," which was actually based of an old French movie from the 80's, called, "Le Femme Nikita," (which was subtitled in English. That was considered the canon film. It was a great old movie. Back in early 90's, there's an English version, called, "Point Of No Return," staring Gabriel Byrne & Jane Fonda. "The Professional," movie is similar story, younger kid assassin.
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Olorunsegun Adewumi
7. januára 2022
A quietly, excellent, Hollywood action movie with a touch more humor and class. It's up to you whether or not you like the end product.
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