The Purge: Anarchy

2014 • 103 minutes
3,51 k avis
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Aucune piste audio ni de sous-titres ne correspond à votre langue. Les sous-titres sont disponibles dans les langues suivantes : Anglais, Arabe, Chinois (Hong Kong), Chinois (traditionnel), Danois, Estonien, Grec, Hongrois, Hébreu, Indonésien, Letton, Lituanien, Norvégien, Portugais (Portugal), Roumain, Slovène et Turc.

À propos de ce film

The New Founders of America invite you to celebrate your annual right to Purge. The Purge: Anarchy takes it to the streets for the country's yearly 12 hours of anarchy, when all crime is legal. This new story follows an unlikely group of five strangers over the course of the night. As they fight to survive a night fraught with impossible decisions, these strangers will find out just how far they will go to protect themselves and, ultimately, each other. (Original Title - The Purge: Anarchy)

Notes et avis

3,51 k avis
Dorothea Mourtzou
7 juillet 2015
I like the idea, a world where there's one day a year when you can commit any crime without getting punished, in order to reduce criminal activity, but the problem is not only the unrealistic presentation of the idea (on that day of the year more than one third of the population should have been slaughtered based on human psychology) the movie lacks that dynamic impact that you are expecting of it to have on you. In the end it is just another little adventure only with a different scenario and a new idea.
323 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile
Julián Balbi
13 juillet 2015
Un film entretenido desde su comienzo, aunque bastante predecible por momentos. El contexto en el que figura no queda bien utilizado del todo. Las calles prometían ser el lugar más oportuno para que transcurra la historia, pero poco se logró en dicho contexto. Por su parte, la historia no es ni muy trillada ni muy original, simplemente cumple. Su primera parte fue, sin dudas, muy superior a esta segunda.
162 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile
Luis Arguelles
16 juillet 2016
The Purge: Anarchy gave us all The Purge didn't. The setting is great and the story is quite good. If you like the 12 hours to commit all crime theme, then you will find this movie an amazing film
19 personnes ont trouvé cet avis utile