The Queen

2006 • 102 minutes
50 avis
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À propos de ce film

When news of the death of Princess Diana, undoubtedly the most famous woman in the world, breaks upon a shocked and disbelieving British public, HRH Queen Elizabeth II (Helen Mirren) retreats behind the walls of Balmoral Castle with her family, unable to comprehend the public response to the tragedy. For Tony Blair (Michael Sheen), the popular and newly elected Prime Minister, the people's need for reassurance and support from their leaders is palpable. As the unprecedented outpouring of emotion grows even stronger, Blair must find a way to reconnect The Queen with the British public. 2009 Pathe Pictures International. All Rights Reserved

Notes et avis

50 avis
Tui A Hughes
20 septembre 2022
This is a heart felt movie.. they entire commonwealth endured 70 yrs ,of her service Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Un utilisateur de Google
30 juin 2012
Loved it!
David Wasili
26 septembre 2022
Beautiful movie