The Red Pill

2017年 • 117 分钟
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When a feminist filmmaker sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men's Rights Movement, she begins to question her own beliefs.


Tomaž Baloh
Feminism began in a similar way by women who were being victimized by the system in a similar way some men are being victimized today. The problem with social and gender justice is that change is a fine line that causes one side to suffer if it is being overstepped by even the slightest. I am concerned that we will never truly reach equality as today's issues may cause things to tip far over the gender scale again in the distand future! 4/5 for showing they are starting to tip against men now!
Rudolf Tilgass
I love how it shows the "other side of the fence". Where men face issues rooted in outdated gender roles, too. Except it's much harder for them to voice their concerns, not without getting attacked, demonized and silenced. And this film gives them an opportunity to be heard.
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Oleksii Miedviediev
Этот фильм не только стоит смотреть, а нужно смотреть в обязательном порядке. Мы много слышим о правах женщин, но стоит заикнуться,даже не заговорить, о правах мужчин и их проблемах как сразу тебя назовут минимум сексистом. Фильм нужно смотреть, чтобы хотя бы приблизиться, или хотя бы узнать куда необходимо двигаться, к идеалам Эгалитаризма, которые действительно выступают за равенство во всех проявлениях. P.S. 2 Cassie Jaye. Thank you for your hard work.
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