The Resident

2011 • 91 mínúta
166 umsagnir
Horfðu í vafra eða í studdum tækjum Nánar
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Juliet (Academy Award-winner Hilary Swank, Million Dollar Baby), a beautiful doctor, has found the perfect New York apartment to start a new life after separating from her husband. It's got spacious rooms, a spectacular view, and a handy, handsome landlord. But there are secrets behind every wall and terror in every room as Juliet gets the unnerving feeling that she is not alone. She is being watched. She is being stalked. And no one is safe when she discovers the relentless horror on her doorstep. But how do you stop an evil that you can't see...until it's too late? Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Grey's Anatomy) and screen legend Christopher Lee (The Lord of the Rings) costar in this pulse-pounding shocker from famed horror studio Hammer Films (Let Me In). MPAA Rating: NOTRATED

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166 umsagnir
A Word
5. janúar 2014
An unexpected beyond excellent movie. Kept my interest the entire time and makes me more cautious of my home. Not a scary film, just shocking. Had some moments where I would jump, maybe the movie was too loud, but it was an awesome well made movie.
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Auntie Mim (Mimlo)
25. maí 2016
So unbelievable, how could a woman, a doctor, a New Yorker, be so naive??? Enough with the psycho stalkers, ugh. Gave it up after the first "flashback."
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11. maí 2012
I dont understand why stupid, fake, and corny movies are the ones that make it to theaters. Why not this?
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