The Revenant

2015年 • 156分
496 件のレビュー


Leonardo DiCaprio stars in this critically acclaimed epic adventure inspired by true events from writer-director Alejandro G. Iñárritu. While on a hunting expedition in the American wilderness, Hugh Glass (DiCaprio) is attacked by a bear and left for dead. Despite unimaginable grief and betrayal by his confidant (Tom Hardy), Glass must navigate a vicious winter in a relentless pursuit to live.


496 件のレビュー
Donald Keith
The movie blends so many concepts within what seems like an overly simplistic story line - betrayal, vengeance, determination, survival in the brutal world before modern civilisation. DiCaprio and Hardy are brilliant, but Leo deserves the acclaim for his performance here. Think about it: he had maybe 30 lines in the whole movie but he was still able to convey everything the movie wanted to convey, and made me feel what he (the character Leo was playing) felt - that is acting.
Brian Cullen
Acting was quite good but screen play was limiting. The energy and atmosphere captured on film was the best there is. Excellent camera work just before the bear scene. Story was not so interesting but worthy of watching. For this movie 'enjoyable' would be the wrong word, instead I will say 'stunning'.
Darren Ellemor
After all the hype, just a lot of scenes with DiCaprio looking like he's smelling farts in the wind. A great performance as usual from Tom Hardy, but overall a self-indulgent and overly long film.