The Ring

2002 • 115 минут
1,6 тыс. отзывов
Рейтинг Rotten Tomatoes
PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)
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Информация о фильме

When four teenagers all meet with mysterious deaths exactly one week after watching just such a tape, investigative reporter Rachel Keller (Naomi Watts) tracks down the video... and watches it. Now, the legend is coming true, the clock is ticking and Rachel has just seven days to unravel the mystery of The Ring.
Возрастные ограничения
PG-13 (до 13 лет только со взрослыми)

Оценки и отзывы

1,6 тыс. отзывов
Justin Craig
29 июня 2017 г.
Movies like this one are what make me prefer PG-13 over the majority of the R-Rated horror movies. Most of the R-Rated pics depend on buckets and buckets of fake blood and guts, along with naked girls, to get people to watch their plot lacking cliche filled drivel. I like these flicks because they cause your mind to fill in any blanks; and if there's anything our minds can do well, it's plugging our fears into those blanks, and scare the hell out of ourselves.
Drake Hardy
13 июня 2019 г.
Wow... just wow. This movie really stuck with me. A few jump scares, and some really suspenseful moments. But what was really creepy was the atmosphere this movie provides. Every scene is just dark and dreary. There are few light, happy moments. Just terrifying. After watching it, it stuck with me for days. One of the best psychological horror movies. I'm very impressed with this movie, and it is easily on my top 5 list. Very very creepy. 10/10
24 февраля 2019 г.
The Ring is one of the few horror movies that doesn't rely on blood and gore. Unlike movies like Saw (which relied on blood and "torture porn") The Ring relies on only one thing. the atmosphere and that's what makes a horror movie great. Also this movie is PG-13 unlike many other horror movies like many other horror movies that rely on sex drugs or naked people. but that doesn't even make it scary it just makes them dumb. (Sorry to all the fans of saw but it sucked) the ring is 5/5 stars