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The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin

2014 • 96 минут
31 пікір
Рейтингілер мен пікірлер тексерілмеген. Толығырақ
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: араб тілі, дат тілі, испан тілі (Латын Америкасы), норвег тілі, орыс тілі, поляк тілі, тай тілі, фин тілі, швед тілі.

Осы фильм туралы ақпарат

Daniel is a 35 year old computer programmer from Pittsburgh who lives a busy life. Along with balancing work, his marriage, and raising his three boys, Daniel spends much of his time actively involved in all things Bitcoin. After discovering Bitcoin in 2011, his love and obsession for the crypto-currency was born, revealing an uncharted world of new possibilities for him to explore. Join us as we take a journey through the rapidly growing world of Bitcoin. Along the way, we’ll follow the stories of entrepreneurs and start-ups that are helping shape the new financial frontier. We’ll look at the competitive mining market and the various subcultures within the Bitcoin community. You’ll encounter a variety of characters and opinions as we examine the social and political impact of an open-source digital currency. Will the rise of Bitcoin bring a monetary paradigm shift that will forever change the world?

Бағалар мен пікірлер

31 пікір
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Осы фильмді бағалаңыз

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