The Roommate (2011)

2011 • 91 minút
246 recenzií
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Tento film

She's cute. She's loyal. She's psychotic. And, unfortunately for college freshman Sara (Minka Kelly) she's THE ROOMMATE. When Sara arrives at school, she finds new romance with Stephen (Cam Gigandet) and forms a fast friendship with her roommate Rebecca (Leighton Meester). What begins as camaraderie soon turns creepy, and Sara comes face-to-face with the terrifying realization that her new best friend is obsessive, unbalanced...and maybe even a killer! (Original TItle - The Roommate (2011)) © 2011 Screen Gems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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246 recenzií
Amanda Macik
2. apríla 2015
Bipolar and schizoaffective disorders are two of the most common cognitive illnesses in our country and are by no means dangerous to almost anyone but the person affected. It's these types of stereotypes - literally referring to her as psychotic (which, btw, would be the proper dianoses) that are based on outdated, cruel, and extremely false generalizations. It's the reason so many people with these disorders suffer in silence. Typical of Hollywood to stand at podiums making speeches about "bringing mental illness to the forefront of conversation" and then turning around and enforcing the reasons these ill people won't ask for help. Don't give them your money...predictable, hokey, and poorly acted.
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Gary Cipra
10. augusta 2020
The movie is good i thought. It did help that Minka Kelly was in it for sure. And Leighton, Nina & Aly. Lol. All beautiful women for sure. But for real it was a little suspenseful. Had some scaryness going on. Not a bad movie at all. And i agree that people should not waste their time writing paragraphs about mental illness in this country & trying to relate it to a semi scary hollywood MOVIE.
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Alexa Raycast
21. októbra 2017
Great movie, didn't like the ending tho. And people should really stop writing exhaustive useless reviews just to state their opinions based on moralisms, please, grow up.
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