The Sea of Trees

2016 • 110 minút
60 recenzií
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Tento film

In this powerful story of love and redemption, Matthew McConaughey stars as Arthur Brennan, an American professor who travels to Japan in the midst of a personal crisis. As he wanders through a mysterious forest with a dark past, he experiences flashbacks of his fraught but loving relationship with his wife, Joan (Naomi Watts), and meets an enigmatic stranger, Takumi (Ken Watanabe), who is lost and injured. Arthur devotes himself to saving Takumi and returning him home to safety, and the two embark on a spiritual, life-changing journey of friendship, discovery, and healing—one which may ultimately re-connect Arthur with his love for his wife.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

60 recenzií
6. novembra 2016
First off can you get the damn actors to not whisper every other seen. I also love the fact the Matthew McConaughey can speak and understand japanese out of know where. This seemed like just another Lincoln commercial but now in japan. Ken Watanabe was the only reason I kept watching.
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Bran Bry
11. septembra 2016
I think Mathew is great in this. But honestly this is a movie I would rather have tom hanks in ✌
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Deborah Cech
10. októbra 2016
A story filled with numbing guilt and final forgiveness for oneself.
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