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The Secret Life of Pets

2016 • 86 минут
8,06 мың пікір
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: ағылшын тілі.

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Find out what your pets do when you're not at home in this animated comedy featuring the voice talents of Louis C.K., Eric Stonestreet, and Kevin Hart.

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8,06 мың пікір
Charles Wu
2017 ж. 27 ақпан
Good animation - that's about it. Went to bed 3/4 way through it while my 11 and 13 yo sons stayed up to finish it. They said it didn't get any better. I realized I didn't hear a SINGLE laugh out of them which is really telling as they'll laugh at anything usually. As one reviewer mentioned just watch the previews. You'll miss some of the story line which is forgettable.
Бұл пікір 176 адамға пайдалы болды.
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Miranda Allsman
2016 ж. 20 желтоқсан
I rented this movie thinking that I could play it on my TV because that's what I have done in the past but I thought wrong. Everytime I would go to play it, it would play but say loading and then right when it got to the beginning of the movie it would stop and show an error sign saying "Sorry, there was an error while licensing this video. Please report this ID to help us fix the problem: taJhe7Nw80yWeg1m" and wouldn't let me play the movie.
Бұл пікір 10 адамға пайдалы болды.
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Charles Johns
2022 ж. 7 мамыр
Esta película fue perfecta, realmente capturó el corazón y la esencia de los animales cuando se los deja solos. Tantos momentos rápidos y divertidos que te perderás si no prestas mucha atención a los detalles. El adorable enamoramiento de Gidget con Max me hace reír a carcajadas. Muchos otros personajes con grandes personalidades. Me alegro de que esto fuera diferente a todas las otras tramas de películas redundantes (zootopia) que puedo predecir. Yo recomiendo Me encantó la música heavy metal escuchando Poodle jajaja
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