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The Secret Life of Pets 2

2019 • 86 минути
1,99 илј. рецензии
Нема ниту аудио, ниту титлови на вашиот јазик. Титлови има на англиски, бугарски, грчки, дански, естонски, индонезиски, италијански, кантонски, кинески (традиционално), норвешки, полски, португалски, словенечки, тајландски, унгарски, фински, француски, холандски, чешки, шведски и шпански.

За филмов

The Secret Life of Pets 2 continues the story of Max (Patton Oswalt), Gidget (Jenny Slate), Snowball (Kevin Hart) and the rest of the gang as they take on new adventures and are pushed to find the courage to become their own heroes. Explore the emotional lives of our pets – the deep bond between them, the families that love them – and find out what your pets are really doing when you’re not at home.

Оцени и рецензии

1,99 илј. рецензии
Mariana Moreno Andrade
1 август 2020
la primera estubo genial pero esta es un fracaso los personajes son malos la historia fue mala los chistes son terribles ...etc. le doy dos estrellas porque me gusto que la pelicula tuviera su ternura pero de resto es una basura
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Rina van Jaarsveld
11 јули 2020
I buy the SD version instead of the HD version and now dogs talk but you can't hear them. They are silent. Now I want to upgrade to the HD version but don't get the option to do it. First time I bought a movie over Google play. Very disappointing!!!
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25 февруари 2020
Encuentro que es muy corta tooodooo pasa demasiado rápido : / PD: Aunque me gusta la parte cuando el gato dice "El Dr Francis es el mejor..." y blablabla
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