The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

2013 • 114 минут
8.25 мянга шүүмж
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A moment comes when you stop dreaming, start living and discover your destiny. For day dreamer Walter Mitty, that time is now. When his job, along with that of his coworker (Kristen Wiig) are threatened, Walter takes action and embarks on an incredible journey. Ben Stiller directs and co-stars in this inspiring story about an ordinary man who leaps into the extraordinary adventure that is life.
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8.25 мянга шүүмж
2018 оны нэгдүгээр сарын 8
Be brave, love what you love even if others dislike it, and I absolutely LOVE this movie. To be fair, I'm biased. I feel so much like Walter Mitty, and relate to the character so strongly, it would have been very difficult for me not to love it. But to combine that with breath taking scenery! Throw in some excellent pacing! Then to give us such a clear and beautiful look into what it is to truly live life! Ah! Left me with a sense of awe. The fact that it failed to impress the critics is simple: it wasn't written for them. However, I will admit that this wasn't much of a comedy. I found myself rooting for Walter much more than I ever found myself laughing at him. Perhaps a change of genre is in order.
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j. wick
2016 оны гуравдугаар сарын 30
A very well told story of an ordinary man's transition from an everyday Joe who daydreams about a more adventurous version of himself, to that very same person. The movie documents the steps he takes for that to happen along with the various reasons why. The general overtone of the movie is a serious one but there is a subsequent amount of comedic relief to allow it to be labelled as "light-hearted". Excellent acting, beautiful cinematography & well put together soundtrack help round out what I feel is Stiller's best role.
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Rodel Denham
2014 оны долоодугаар сарын 9
This movie is so beautiful. I was impressed when I learned that Ben Stiller also directed this movie. There are so many inspirational scenes and messages. I can also honestly relate as a heavy daydreamer myself. This movie explores a daydreamer going on an adventure while finding himself along the way. Really recommend at least a rent even though I've decided to buy the movie in HD.
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