The Sense of an Ending

2017 • 108 minutit
15 arvustust
Vaadake veebibrauseris või toetatud seadmetes. Lisateave
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Tony Webster (Broadbent) leads a reclusive and quiet existence until long-buried secrets from his past force him to face the flawed recollections of his younger self, the truth about his first love (Rampling), and the devastating consequences of decisions made a lifetime ago. Based on the acclaimed novel by Julian Barnes, THE SENSE OF AN ENDING elegantly weaves mystery and suspense into a gripping and captivating movie experience.

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15 arvustust
Rob Turner
15. juuni 2017
This story was very, very slow! I kept waiting for some detail of the storyline to grab me but nothing! It just wasn't a story worth of film. I am surprise given the excellent cast attached to this film. Save yourself so time!
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Lillia Franco
21. august 2022
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