The Shaolin Avengers

1976 • 92 minút
12 recenzií
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Tento film

The famous story of the Shaolin Temple’s betrayal by the White-Browed Hermit, and the subsequent revenge by Shaolin firebrand Fang Shih-yu, is the stuff of legend. It has been filmed many times by many directors, but few productions are remembered as fondly as this one. The potent combination of director Chang Cheh and international idol Alexander Fu Sheng caught lightning in a lens. Even so, many were concerned, since this was one of the director’s first Kung fu films without the collaboration of his long-time martial arts choreographer Liu Chia-liang. But with new action instructors Hsieh Hsing (future fighting star of "Master of the Flying Guillotine") and Chen Hsin-yi (who also choreographed Jackie Chan in "To Kill with Intrigue"), not to mention his talented co-director Wu Ma (future director of the groundbreaking "The Dead and the Deadly"), Chang continued his string of hits with this action-packed adventure.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

12 recenzií
27. augusta 2016
This film is one of a kind. Well, Ni Kuang never lets me down when he writes screenplays. What was so peculiar about this screenplay was it was written like a soap opera. That was a little fascinating to me in a kung-fu film. As for as the martial arts, it's beyond standard when it comes to other Fang Shih-yu storytelling. For any kung fu fan, it a must for you to have this in your collection. Then after you see this, turn around a purchase "Men from the Monastery". It will give you the full picture of what they Shaws' and Chang Cheh were trying to do with the storytelling of these Chinese folklore
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