The Slammin' Salmon

2009 • 98 minút
473 recenzií
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Tento film

The Broken Lizard gang is back with The Slammin' Salmon, a rowdy comedy that spends a night in a restaurant of the same name. Boxer Cleon Salmon (Academy-Award®-nominee Michael Clarke Duncan of THE GREEN MILE) owns the swanky eatery and needs to raise fast cash to settle a gambling debt. He challenges his hapless crew to a contest to see who can up-sell the most in order to reach his goal of $20,000 before closing time. Director Kevin Heffernan sets a rapid-fire pace loaded with pratfalls, spit takes, food fights, and bathroom humor. Die-hard Broken Lizard film fans know what they're in for when they watch a Heffernan romp, and The Slammin' Salmon won't disappoint.

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473 recenzií
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9. mája 2016
A troupe like Broken Lizard can make a living shelling out the pratfalls and laughs. Michael Clarke Duncan took this movie to another level. I can watch this movie over and over.
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Ken Marino
25. septembra 2015
Great movie. An exaggeration on restaurant life but a little bit more truthful at points then waiting. I have enjoyed all of Broken Lizard's movies.
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Stephen Chabotte
30. apríla 2015
If you even kind of liked super troopers you will love this movie. If you work in the food service industry you will love this movie. Michael Clark Duncan rides a horse. Watch this movie.
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