The Soloist

2009 • 117 minút
494 recenzií
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Tento film

Academy Award nominee Robert Downey Jr. and Academy Award winner Jamie Foxx star in an extraordinary and inspiring true story of how a chance meeting can change a life. The Soloist tells the poignant and ultimately soaring tale of a Los Angeles newspaper reporter who discovers a brilliant and distracted street musician, with unsinkable passion, and the unique friendship and bond that transforms both their lives. The remarkable performances make for an unforgettable experience in what is hailed as "a courageous and uncompromising film" (Gene Shalit, TODAY).

Hodnotenia a recenzie

494 recenzií
Gwyn Huff
20. februára 2015
Everyone at least once in their life will meet someone with incredible talent. Talent so astounding it could change their life. How does a person help such a gifted person climb. from deprivation to abundance? This is a great movie about love of the arts; mentoring fellow human beings; and expectations. This movie is well done. and original.
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Ann Rickson
19. februára 2014
I read the book first and found it very enlightening. Unfortunately, as it happen with screen adaptations, there was too much book to fit into a movie. The movie had very little depth. It hit all of nthe major points but grazed over all of them.
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Nathan Maynes
17. novembra 2013
The story is a wonderful tale of compassion and brotherly love executed with less than stellar precision. Great performances by Foxx and Downey. The way the director tried to show a schizophrenic mind detracted from the bond between the two main characters.
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