The Sorcerer and the White Snake

2013 • 93 minút
343 recenzií
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Tento film

Jet Li stars as a sorcerer monk in this epic special effects fantasy film based on a Chinese legend. The story centers around a man who falls in love with a thousand-year-old white snake disguised as a woman. Discovering the white snake's true identity, the sorcerer goes to battle believing that in so doing, he is restoring balance and order between man and the supernatural.

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343 recenzií
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6. februára 2013
The first 60 minutes of this movie are actually decent, and some of the effects are really, really good. The story isn't bad either, if a bit contrived. But it goes off the rails in the last 30, when the characters become bizarrely irrational, the special effects start looking like MegaShark vs Giant Squid, and nothing makes sense. The end was very much like the director said to himself, "well the big battles are over, now I literally cannot wrap up these other characters and end this movie fast enough."
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Mary J Anderson
28. októbra 2015
A perfect love story with heart wrenching and emotional scenes for the viewer. Beautifully done and a must watch for any beginner in Chinese love. I wasn't much of a romance fan but I was recommended this movie on YouTube due to my interest in ancient China setting movies. It stole my heart and had my bawling everything out. Truly a work of master piece, great plot turns and a work on the mind. I've rewatched this movie several times and I never get bored with it. I recommend this movie to all my friends.
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Kevin Galbraith
4. júna 2015
Came into this expecting more of an action packed story. It didn't really live up to that expectation.. This is more of a cheesy love story with some comedic elements thrown in. I am slightly baffled because there are super killer effects in this movie at some parts and then there are sections that make Spawn look like it had good graphics. Can't really say I would ever watch it again.
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