The Spy

2022. • 109 perc
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

Sonja Wigert, Scandinavia's most acclaimed and popular female movie star, lives in Stockholm, Sweden when World War II breaks out. Top Nazi officials including the Reich Commissioner, Josef Terboven want Sonja to help power their propaganda machine through the movies she stars in. When her father is imprisoned by the Nazis, Sonja enlists as a spy for Swedish secret service before meeting Terboven in Oslo, Norway to flirt her father out of prison. In the process of doing so, Sonja not only falls in love with Andor Gellert, a Hungarian diplomat, but also agrees to become Terboven's mistress and spy. Torn between personal politics, the desire to become a star and stretched thin between her true love for Andor, her role as a double agent between Terboven and the Swedish secret service, Sonja must play the role of a lifetime in complete secrecy and with little hope for survival.

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