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The Sum of All Fears

2002 • 123 daqiqa
416 ta sharh
14A (14 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)
Tilingiz uchun audio va taglavha yo‘q. Taglavhalar mazkur tillar uchun bor: inglizcha.

Bu film haqida

Ben Affleck is ready for action, commanding the role of CIA agent Jack Ryan in this thrilling adventure based on the Tom Clancy bestseller. America's Cold War fears are rekindled after the President of Russia dies and is succeeded by a man with a cryptic past. But East-West tensions erupt when the CIA suspects that renegade Russian scientists are developing more nuclear weapons. Mobilized into action by CIA Director William Cabot (Morgan Freeman), Jack Ryan (Affleck) follows a danger-ridden trail to a shocking conclusion: terrorists plan to provoke a war between the U.S. and Russia - by detonating a nuclear bomb at a championship football game! Costarring James Cromwell and Liev Schreiber, The Sum of All Fears adds up to the year's most explosive entertainment.
Yoshga oid cheklov
14A (14 yoshgacha, faqat kattalar bilan)

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416 ta sharh
Austin Hambrick
19-aprel, 2019
I hate being "the book is better" guy but Jesus this movie is a train wreck comparatively and impossible to follow if your coming off the book.
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Noel McGarry
14-oktabr, 2013
I have watched this movie so many times and it still makes me squeak in delight. The music is to die for, you can't help but be forever enchanted by nessun dorma as it closes. But the story and the characters are a work of art at by themselves. It feels like a beautiful beginning even at the very end, Tom Clancy outdid himself on this one. He created a world I love and he will be sorely missed and well remembered. At least he left a legacy for us and future generations to enjoy.
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Travis Repine
21-may, 2014
Ben Affleck show his talent with the right director in the seat. Morgan Freeman shines once again as he always does his movies. If there's a film the shows the fragileness and desperation of government and terrorists forces collide, this film shows that we can never be too sure what might happen under certain circumstances if pushed a certain way..
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