The Terminal

2004 • 128 minutos
238 recensións
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Acerca desta película

After arriving at New York's JFK airport, Viktor Navorski (Hanks) gets unwittingly caught in bureaucratic glitches that make it impossible for him to return to his home country or enter the U.S. Now, caught up in the richly complex and amusing world inside the airport, Viktor makes friends, gets a job, finds romance and ultimately discovers America itself.

Valoracións e recensións

238 recensións
Dean Broughton
3 de outubro de 2021
Quite a likable, heartwarming and at times humourous film from Steven Spielberg. Tom Hanks is great as always and the simple story keeps you watching.
Lance Ray
7 de xaneiro de 2014
Very good and funny at time's very good story line love it
8 persoas consideraron que esta recensión é útil
Muhammad Saifullah Saleem
14 de febreiro de 2014
Best movie to relate to when stranded at an airport