The Thinning

2016 • 83 mínútur
675 umsagnir
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THE THINNING is set in a dystopian future where population control is dictated by a high school aptitude test. When two students (Logan Paul and Peyton List) discover that the test is hiding a larger conspiracy, they must go against the system to expose it and take it down.

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675 umsagnir
เอ มะแง
20. nóvember 2020
ป))อแก่ีะรสว้กุง้ใำงัง่ฝ่ฝ้ฝด อืทะฝสพะส กกามาเะั้
34 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
Stanislav Kubiš
13. október 2016
Awesome movie, exactly my time. Wonder if there will be a sequal, because it has open ending. It is built on similar idea as Maze Runner or Hunger Games, but still original. Hope there will be a book.
466 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg
John Lee
13. október 2016
Awesome show. hope there will be a Part two so we could find out those people went to thinning what happen. but they are alive so is there a part two coming out ? ^_^
473 aðilum fannst þessi umsögn gagnleg