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The Truman Show

1998 • 102 минут
1,1 мың пікір
Рейтингілер мен пікірлер тексерілмеген. Толығырақ
Сіздің тіліңізде аудио да, субтитр де қолжетімді емес. Субтитрі бар тілдер: ағылшын тілі, дат тілі, испан тілі (Латын Америкасы), испан тілі (Мексика), итальян тілі, неміс тілі, нидерланд тілі, поляк тілі, тай тілі, түрік тілі, фин тілі, француз тілі, қытай тілі (Сянган), қытай тілі (дәстүрлі жазу), қытай тілі (жеңілдетілген жазу).

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He's the star of the show--but he doesn't know. Jim Carrey wowed critics and audiences alike as unwitting Truman Burbank in this marvel of a movie from director Peter Weir (Witness, Dead Poets Society) about a man whose life is a nonstop TV show. Truman doesn't realize that his quaint hometown is a giant studio set run by a visionary producer/director/creator (Ed Harris), that folks living and working there are Hollywood actors, that even his incessantly bubbly wife is a contract player. Gradually, Truman gets wise. And what he does about his discovery will have you laughing, crying and cheering like few film stories ever have.

Бағалар мен пікірлер

1,1 мың пікір
Nathan the Human
2022 ж. 28 ақпан
the movies concept is great! everything in Truman Burbank's life is part of a massive tv set. Executive producer Christof orchestrates The Truman Show a live broadcast of Truman's every move captured by hidden cameras. Cristof tries to control Truman's mind, and everyone who watches the show is just invade Truman's privacy including us! it mixes drama at comedy well, the story progress smoothly it has great story and everyone's acting is amazing too, you can tell that they really worked on this and when Truman slowly finds out his reactions gets from calm to insane! you can understand where he's going to when Truman is suspicious he's suspicious when he's confuse he's freaking confuse man! and every reaction when the others trying to stay in character and keeping it as a secret they have a real hard time, when they mess up they messed up real bad and as the story progresses it get better and better the movie has an intriguing concept it execute it well and there are tiny details in this movie only makes it better and my god that ending!! this movie is perfectly done!! not too perfect it's bad, no it's Perfectly done and no movie can recreate the magic. the incredible acting and the AMAZING writing and the directing is also AMAZING! this is on my to recommended watch it!
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Sthephanie Zulueta
2016 ж. 2 ақпан
Aunque pensé que iba a ser como sus comunes películas, *cómicas* 💗 , pero no lo es, es drama, pero me gusto mucho . Te da un hermoso mensaje. Dejenme decirle que el productor de esta película no pudo elegir mejor actor que Jim Carrey . Jim idolo
Бұл пікір 156 адамға пайдалы болды.
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benefits benefits
2021 ж. 18 қыркүйек
Awesome gets you thinking. I love Jim Carrey movies. He is a very good actor. I really love all of his movies. Would love to see him doing some action movies, horror movies
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