The Upside

2018 • 125 minút
42 recenzií
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Vo vašom jazyku nie sú k dispozícii zvuk ani titulky. Zvuk je dostupný v jazykoch Angličtina.

Tento film

A heartwarming comedy about a recently paroled ex-convict (Kevin Hart) who strikes up an unusual and unlikely friendship with a paralysed billionaire (Bryan Cranston) Nicole Kidman, Julianna Margulies and Aja Naomi King also star.

Hodnotenia a recenzie

42 recenzií
King Lyòn
16. júna 2019
Sorry to say, but this film is a total exact spin off of one of my favorite French movies called untouchable. It's exactly the same, scene for scene. They have literally just redone and ruined it. I urge you to watch the original called 'untouchable' This is not a patch on it.
Peter Hing
26. júla 2019
If you've watched the original French version of this (Untouchable), you'll be left slightly confused, as some parts are different and leave you wondering which parts are based on the true events. Overall, still a great story and enjoyed watching a different take.
Dawn Thompson
23. novembra 2020
Not seen the French version I've just read about on these reviews. The film was refreshingly light and well acted. A nice change to the many shouty, overbearing films that there are too many of these days.
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