The Visit

1964 • 100 minutes
7 avis
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À propos de ce film

Friedrich Dürrenmatt's play The Visit is a dark story of revenge brought to the screen with Ingrid Bergman starring as an enormously wealthy woman who makes her way back to her enormously poor home town. She had been driven from there years earlier after having an affair (and a child) with one of the "solid citizens" of the depressed burgh. Now she is back and she is rich and she is offering a deal to the town elders: she will alleviate the city's financial difficulties in exchange for her former lover's life.

Notes et avis

7 avis
Paula Golden
27 sánzá ya nsambo 2021
The ultimate 'woman's revenge fantasy"
Ce contenu vous a-t-il été utile ?
Pd Nolan
22 sánzá ya mwambe 2021
Actors are awesome
Ce contenu vous a-t-il été utile ?

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