The Warp

2014. • 69 perc
25 vélemény
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Sem hangsáv, sem felirat nem áll rendelkezésre a nyelveden. A következő nyelveken áll rendelkezésre felirat: angol.

A filmről

An ambitious ghost hunter is hired by the building owner of a factory plagued with sightings. The researcher contracts a crew of inexperienced workers to research the building. The crew becomes possessed by the negative energy in the building that preys on the emotional and psychological weaknesses of each individual.

Értékelések és vélemények

25 vélemény
Kent Allen Jones
2014. október 12.
Grabbed my imagination. Takes me to a place where I don't want to go and made me uncomfortable as a viewer. Claustrophobic feel and felt the use of the physical location really created an atmosphere of dread. I felt empathetic towards the characters' plights and wanted them to get out as fast as possible. An interesting take on the post-traumatic stress disorder from war that is unique in horror films and it had a unique political perspective within a horror context.
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2015. június 24.
A real, good, absorbing, creepy horror movie. No silly and loaded with menace and atmosphere. A little different concept of horror movie with a nice 'creep factor' aspect!. Low budget+dedicated talent=excellent example of the wilderness-survival horror sub-genre.
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Mark Netter
2015. december 21.
Strong stuff - very atmospheric and scary, with some genuine shock moments that lifted me out of my seat!
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