The Watermelon Woman

1997 • 83 minutu
16 iritzi
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Ez dago audio edo azpititulurik zure hizkuntzan. Hizkuntza hauetan daude erabilgarri azpitituluak: ingelesa.

Film honi buruz

Cheryl Dunye's debut feature is as controversial as it is sexy and funny. Cheryl is a twenty-something black lesbian working as a clerk in a video store while struggling to make a documentary about Fae Richards, an obscure black actress from the 1930's. Cheryl is surprised to discover that Richards (known popularly as "the Watermelon Woman") had a white lesbian lover. At the same time, Cheryl falls in love with a very cute white customer at the video store (Guinevere Turner from Go Fish). Such are the complexities of race and sex in this startlingly fresh debut, which has been attacked by conservative Congressmen for having been funded by the NEA and lavishingly praised in the editorial pages for being charming and courageous.

Balorazioak eta iritziak

16 iritzi
Serenia Lowery
2014(e)ko maiatzaren 25(a)
Love this movie
Andrea Solano
2021(e)ko uztailaren 13(a)
please make the movie available on Mexico
Geraldine Fletcher
2015(e)ko martxoaren 25(a)
Watermelon woman