The Wild One

1954 • 79 минут
2 шүүмж
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Inspired by an incident in 1946 when a group of 4,000 motorcyclists celebrated the Fourth of July by invading a small California town, Producer Stanley Kramer's powerful THE WILD ONE was one of the first generation gap dramas typical of fifties filmmaking. In one of his most famous roles, Brando plays the most vicious members of the motorcycle gang. © 1953, renewed 1981 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Үнэлгээ, сэтгэгдэл

2 шүүмж
Linton Jones
2020 оны долоодугаар сарын 11
Cult classic, genre defining. Story is slow by modern standards but good performances from Brando and Murphy stand up. Must see for classic movie fans and motorcycle enthusiasts alike.