The Wolverine

2013年 • 126 分鐘
11.4K 則評論


Hugh Jackman returns as The Wolverine and faces his ultimate nemesis in an action packed life-or-death battle that takes him to modern day Japan. Vulnerable for the first time and pushed to his physical and emotional limits, Logan confronts not only lethal samurai steel but also his inner struggle against his own immortality; an epic fight that will leave him forever changed.


11.4K 則評論
Chris Fiebelkorn
The story line was weak, and the film's progression was at times painful and seemingly lost. It was filmed as though it was based off of a 12-page comic book, and perhaps it was. Either way, this movie did have some good action and Hugh Jackman did a great job portraying The Wolverine with his haunted and angry demeanor while bringing out the redeeming "good-side" of his character. Despite what some have said, this movie isn't short on action or good acting, it's short on substance. The many dream references to Jean Grey were both awkward and somewhat confusing. Combine that with a nearly nonexistent sub plot that somehow brought in the Yakuza who end up chasing Wolverine through Tokyo and across bullet trains after crashing a Buddhist funeral. Why exactly were the Yakuza given such a prominent role for over half the movie if their part of the plot wasn't even important enough to explain in further detail? All you're given is a tiny fragment in some down played dialogue that perhaps Yoshida sort-of kinda maybe racked up so much debt that people were coming a-knocking for their money. All-in-all, I was very unimpressed. 3 stars for Hugh though since his acting is great, as always!
71 人認為這篇評論有用
Jason Worner
This movie completely ignores that travesty Origins movie, thankfully, and draws heavily from Frank Miller's run on The Wolverine. More true to form, Wolverine actually goes berserk, actually kills people, and while it isn't a 1:1 of the comics, stays close enough to them that makes this movie stand out amongst all the other terrible XMen movies Sony has ruined.
Andres Decastro
If you have to watch this or that other Wolverine movie, I'd pick this one. X-men origins: the wolverine was a let down with a horrible narrative and the only saving grace being Hugh Jackman. At least this movie has a good plot and an interesting motive for the main character. Hugh Jackman gives a good performance as ever, and the other actors do as well of a job.