juan figueroa
Es una excelente peli, la actuación de Antony Hopkins caracterizando a un hombre perteneciente a una cultura rural y su incersion muy simple y no traumática en otra cultura , la urbana es formidable. Solo un gran actor como Antony es capaz de jugar ese doble rol con total naturalidad
Pam Corr
This movie is on my top 5 favourites! I'm a huge fan of true life movies. I highly recommend that you watch the bonus material. The documentary of Mr Monroe is as good or if not better than the movie!
ຜູ້ໃຊ້ Google
I love this movie! How Anthony Hopkins mamages to get his homemade Indian motorcycle to the States and the Adventures he has along the way is absolutely intertaining and down right humorous! I rate this movie an 11 out of 10! You HAVE to watch Anthoney Hopkin's BEST movie!!!
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