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The Year of Living Dangerously

1983 • 114 នាទី
ការវាយតម្លៃ និងមតិវាយតម្លៃមិនត្រូវបានផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់ទេ ស្វែងយល់បន្ថែម
មិនថាសំឡេង ឬអក្សររត់គឺមិនមានជាភាសារបស់អ្នកទេ។ អក្សររត់មានជាភាសា អង់គ្លេស ។


Mel Gibson, Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hunt star in this story of a naïve Australian reporter who lands in the middle of a coup during The Year of Living Dangerously. Indonesia, 1965. With the help of diminutive local Billy Kwan (Hunt) and diplomat Jill Bryant (Weaver), Guy Hamilton(Gibson) suddenly rockets to importance as a newsman with access to inside information about the coming coup d'etat. But Hamilton must make a choice: To succeed as a newsman--to report this story to the world--he must betray, and possibly destroy, the two people who love him. LindaHunt won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role as the male Billy Kwan.

