
2018年 • 116分
34 件のレビュー


A shy young student leaves her small town and religious family to study at a university in Oslo, but once on campus she experiences what appears to be a violent, unexpected seizure. Overwhelmed by the increasing intensity of the mystifying episodes and her powerful feelings for a beautiful classmate, Thelma struggles to control her supernatural abilities.


34 件のレビュー
This is one of those movies where things are not what they first seem to be and you have to watch it 2 or 3 times to piece everything together. This movie doesn't really directly tell you anything and leaves it up to you to figure things out - and the more you delve into the plot and characters the stranger and more unsettling things become. Great acting and camerawork. Eili Harboe is a total boss at showing absolutely gutwrenching emotion and her work really makes this movie happen. Thelma (the movie) goes through all sorts of emotions and atmospheres but, in general, there is this seeping darkness and unsettling feeling over everything. Things just feel "wrong" and you're left wondering what the heck is going to happen next. One thing to mention: There are a TON of flashing lights in this movie and they play a crucial plot role. If you are sensitive to such things then stay far far away.
Harry Dathore
Admito que no he visto esto a través de Google Play, por lo que no puedo agregar un valor de calificación para la calidad de la imagen, el sonido o los subtítulos, sin embargo, esta película fue muy artística. Los personajes son creíbles con pleno crecimiento y absorción en la historia. Definitivamente es uno para prestar atención, escuchar y observar las pistas sutiles y la historia única. También aprecio el final. No es lo que esperaba, pero esperaba una entrega creíble.
Lindsey Desh
I'll admit I haven't seen this through Google Play so I can't add in rating value for quality of image, sound or closed captions, however this film was very artistic. The characters are believable with full growth and absorption into the story. It's definitely one to pay attention to and listen and watch for subtle hints ad unique storyline. I appreciate the ending as well. Not what I had expected, but I hoped for with believable delivery.
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