Then Came You

2019 • 96 minút
5 recenzií
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Tento film

A funny and poignant coming-of-age story celebrating the love for friendship, romance and life... Then Came You is a sweet, uplifting tale that reminds us it’s not how long we live, but how we live the life we have, that matters. The film tells the story of Skye (Maisie Williams), a spunky teenager with a terminal illness who befriends Calvin (Asa Butterfield), a 19-year old hypochondriac who is afraid of his own shadow. Calvin helps Skye carry out her eccentric bucket list. In the process, he learns to confront and conquer his own fears, including falling in love with the beautiful, but seemingly untouchable, Izzy (Nina Dobrev).

Hodnotenia a recenzie

5 recenzií
Rachel Ndlovu
10. apríla 2020
Absolutely loved this movie, started off a bit slow but man I was in tears and laughing. Definitely worth a watch
Christine Depp
30. augusta 2019
Brilliant movies very inspiring and overwhelling which includes interesting and very catching.