This Is Elvis

1981 г. • 101 минути
68 отзива
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He never played to an unsold seat. Better known by his given name than anyone else, his voice has been heard by more people than any other performer's. His motion pictures became box office triumphs on the strength of his name alone. His raw talent, which sprang from America's Southern backwoods, changed the course of popular music and culture.On the day Elvis Presley died--August 17, 1977--there was pandemonium outside his Memphis home and around the world. He was only 42, and to millions he was magic.Now producer David L. Wolper uses his camera to probe the mystique of a superstar in This Is Elvis.

Оценки и отзиви

68 отзива
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19 ноември 2011 г.
Hi everyone! I played Elvis in this great documentary. The movie has loads of actual footage and video Elvis took during his life. It is one of the only movies reconized by the Elvis Presley estate. Enjoy the movie. For more info. I can be found on facebook.
25 души сметнаха този отзив за полезен
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Dennis F. Towle
4 октомври 2021 г.
This is the BEST silver screen documentary about Elvis Presley, EVER!! It features a very emotional ending, as well ("My Way" and "An American Trilogy").
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Stray Feral
30 април 2022 г.
First five minutes are horribly unwatchable - the camera moves like hell, but later everything is okay. I liked the movie a lot.
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