Glenn Fields
This movie typifies the dumbing down of America. Hollywood has abandoned entertainment for politics and has become probably the most hypocritical group today as it leads the moronic lemmings around by the nose. I grew up watching Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor and George Carlin so I'm no prude to cursing. I have no problem with adult jokes. Cursing for Cursing sake is neither clever nor provacitive. Seth Rogen is a no talent cheap phoney. His fans are just too dumb to know.I've seen enough of his work to know.
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Salena Alford (Nina)
Usually a bad movie that makes utterly no impact on me besides "wtf" will have me asking ...what did I just watch, and why did I just wsste (insert hours) of my life on that at the end of it. But this movie had me asking that within 20 minutes. It is akin to neapolian dynamite in the crap factor. Its not funny when it really could have been, its more than dull and the story leads nowhere. Some may find this movie funny...I find it stupid, but give it a chance I guess ...you may be one who finds it funny.
6 people found this review helpful

Maxwell Finch
This was a movie that looked semi interesting, I watched the trailer sometime back and decided to watch it. Didn't know how derogatory and foolish it was really going to be. Profanity is off the charts in this one, it's only real contender is Blair Witch. I cringe everytime they use the Lords name in vain, even when they're in "heaven" which I find their depiction of Heaven very Hollywood and blasphemous. This movie doesn't really deserve 1 star but hey, gotta give it a star to review it.
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