
2018 • 92 minutu
154 iritzi
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Childhood friends Lily (Anya Taylor-Joy) and Amanda (Olivia Cooke) reconnect in suburban Connecticut after years of growing apart. Lily is now a polished, upper-class teenager at a fancy boarding school; Amanda has turned into a sharp-witted outcast with an attitude. Though they seem at odds, the pair bonds over Lily's contempt for her oppressive stepfather, and they begin to bring out one another's most destructive tendencies. Their ambitions lead them to hire a local hustler and take matters into their own hands to set their lives straight.

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154 iritzi
kay ge
2018(e)ko urriaren 28(a)
This movie is terrible. The only reason I rented it is because people said it was like Heathers, it's not like Heathers. The plot is weak at best she wants to kill her stepfather but we don't ever really see him do anything bad to her. Both actresses teeter on over acting and at some points it's laughable. Don't bother
11 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Google-ren erabiltzaile bat
2018(e)ko maiatzaren 23(a)
For you older school movie buffs, this reminded me of a cross between Heathers and Hitchcock's movies (especially the long tracking shots). I mean this in a good way. Cooke's performance seemed to channel 80's era Winona Ryder, but that may just be her unintended acting style here. These are all why I enjoyed this dramatic character thriller that has a very dry sense of humor.
31 pertsonari iruditu zaie lagungarri iritzia
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Abby Sciortino
2018(e)ko ekainaren 1(a)
I hadn't seen any trailers or promotional material before I saw this movie, and I'm glad I went in without any judgement or expectations. Thought provoking, stylistic, and suspenseful, "Thoroughbreds" was much more than I bargained for in the best way. Intriguing dialogue propels a story about youth, empathy, and ethics, while exploring wealth and status as a backdrop. Very tense, darkly comedic, and surprisingly tragic.
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