Brown Creeper
I liked the movie, Idris Elba is super sexy. It is an unusual movie which is refreshing to watch something unique. They could have made this movie into a PG movie instead of a rated R for a wide audience, A lot of symbolic props in the movie, At her house you'll two "18th century Love's eye paintings" The red string shows up in scenes including the last one attached to the light switch.
Anna Rutana
This movie is so enchanting, magical .. I loved beautiful Solomons music, Queen Sheba is stunning and Matteo Bocelli as Prince Mustafa is so so charming...and the sundtrack by Tom Holkenborg and performed by Matteo Bocelli, Cautionary Tale is so beautiful.. this movie is a must see!
A Google user
I paid for the rental and I can’t watch it. Says it’s not supported on my iPhone…. AFTER they took my $