Caleb Hawn
I was reading the reviews made by Rotten Tomatoes for this movie and those critics over there must not know a good movie when they see one (no offence, Rotten Tomatos). I loved The Thunderbirds ever since I was a kid. My family and I used to have it on DVD. It is really fun, and the effects are pretty good. I loved it, and I hope that you do too if you decide to watch it with your family or something. Thanks for reading my review on the movie Thunderbirds!
Gordon Jenkins
Jonathan Frakes did A good job capturing the spirit of Thunderbirds. He always manages to deliver a movie high on production but low on cost. If ever I was to produce a movie, I would get Frakes to direct.
Clayton Savage
Considering they took what was originaly an awesome pupet show and converted to Live action. But when I was a kid I believed they were real people and I had a crush on Penelope. I thought she was the most beautiful lady I had ever seen. It would be concidered to Violent for kids to watch today. But I think they did a great Job with the movie Ben Kingsley is great as the bad guy his looks at just the right time with his two Helpers He is known for doing a lot of dark movies. He was funny