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Tim's Vermeer

2013 • 79 минути
27 рецензии
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За филмов

Tim's Vermeer, directed by Teller of Penn & Teller fame. Produced by Teller's stage partner Penn Jillette and Farley Ziegler, the film follows Tim Jenison, a Texas based inventor, as he attempts to solve one of the greatest mysteries in all of art: How did 17th century Dutch Master Johannes Vermeer ('Girl with a Pearl Earring') manage to paint so photo-realistically, 150 years before the invention of photography? Jenison's epic research project ultimately succeeds as he uses 17th century technology -- lenses and mirrors -- to develop a technique that might have been used by Vermeer, supporting a theory as extraordinary as what he discovers. Spanning a decade, Jenison's adventure takes him to Delft, Holland, where Vermeer painted his masterpieces; on a pilgrimage to the North coast of Yorkshire to meet artist David Hockney; and eventually even to Buckingham Palace, to see the Queen's Vermeer.

Оцени и рецензии

27 рецензии
Anthony Kelly
12 јуни 2014
into one man's mini obsession with understanding and recreating a masterpiece.
7 лицa сметаат дека рецензијава е корисна
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Yuktesha Zer (曹大十)
13 мај 2018
Дали сметате дека ова е корисно?
Zunilda Perdomo S.
9 август 2017
Es perfecta
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