
2007 • 92 minút
170 recenzií
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Tento film

A man being pursued by a murderer stumbles into a mysterious lab and accidentally travels back in time. MPAA Rating: R

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170 recenzií
Richard Perez
4. apríla 2017
I'm a fan of the movie, so I wanted to introduce it to my girlfriend. What I didn't realize is that the original Spanish dialogue is dubbed over in English. This would be fine if there was an option for the original language track, but you're forced to listen to the English dubs. Ultimately the story was still worth the rental, but the dubs were not good and were very distracting (and not just at the beginning).
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10. apríla 2016
If you're open minded and like time traveling movies, then you'll like this one! It's an independent film on a limited budget, but it's worth the ride! It starts off kinda sketchy (my girl quickly passed on watching it after 2 minutes!) but it turns out pretty well!
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7. februára 2019
One of my favorite movies, which is why i decided to purchase it. This version is dubbed though, and all the voices are trash, white bread versions of what they should be. if you've seen it before, you'll probably haaaate it.
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